Sunday, February 8, 2009

Bobby Sanabria and Max Pollack @ the New School

Bobby Sanabria has to be Afro Caribbean musics equivalent of James Brown. He has got to be one of the hardest working men in show business. Not only does he teach full orchestra in both the prestigious New School for Social Research and the Manhattan School of Music, he has Ascension and Quarteto Ache happening as well. This is supplemented with guest appearances and lectures on our music which take him all over the world. All this from a kid out of the South Bronx! Here we see the New School student orchestra in action with the extra added attraction of Max Pollack, tap dancer extraordinaire. Max has embarked upon merging African American and Afro Cuban forms of musical expression and the results are thrilling to say the least. Check this out.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was amazing -- incredible! Thanks so much for posting the video!